Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine's Day

Dear Parents, As I am sure you are aware, Valentine’s Day is approaching. It will be Friday, February 14th. I know that students enjoy trading valentines with their friends. If your child would like to participate, they may but they do not have to participate. In room 6, there are a few guidelines. 1. We will NOT have a Valentine’s Day party. Students will be allowed to pass out valentines at the end of the day. 2. Do NOT send candy. We are still following the EatSmart guidelines. The valentine may have food but it should be healthy not sugary or salty. Acceptable treats are: fruit snacks, pretzels, cheese crackers, etc. (If you have questions about whether a particular treat is okay, please call me at 953-4450.) 3. If your child chooses to bring valentines, they need to bring one for EACH child in our classroom. They should leave no student out. We have 20 students in our class. Please give me a call at 953-4450 or email me at if you have any questions.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Reading Projects

Reading Projects were due today the 13th, despite our extended vacation. For each day projects are late students will lose five points. Please make sure your child has turned in their project or turns it in as soon as possible.

Keeven Elementary Hi-Five Expectations

Be Respectful

Be Ready

Be Peaceful

Be Responsible

Be Safe

Room 6 ALWAYS lives up to these expectations