Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Reading Fair

You probably already know by now that students have a reading project due in January. It is the student's job to read a book and create the project in their own time. Please let me know if you need help. To get some great ideas, google "reading fair". Look at the images that come up. You will see some great ideas. The more creative the better!

Monday, December 2, 2013


An important part of reading is fluency. Not only are students tested regularaly on their fluency, it is important to comprehension that students are able to read in a fluent manner. Because of this, we practice fluency in the classroom. To practice at home have your child read aloud a paragraph a couple of times a week. If they are having trouble, do an echo read. You read a sentence first, then they read it. Or you can read at the same time, together. This is called a choral read. Here is a picture of students reading poetry chorally.

Keeven Elementary Hi-Five Expectations

Be Respectful

Be Ready

Be Peaceful

Be Responsible

Be Safe

Room 6 ALWAYS lives up to these expectations